acid hard techno trance hardcore electronic music festival

Time & Location
Aug 30, 2023, 7:00 PM – Sep 04, 2023, 7:00 PM
Eldena, Eldena, Germany
About the event
At the end of August 2022, we plunged with you into another universe for a few days and danced day and night. Of course, we want to continue this in 2023.
We're also going to take it all to the extreme again, which is what makes a Goa festival so special. First and foremost, of course, is the driving trance sound that fits perfectly under the open sky.
Racy in the light and laser storm of the night or weightless in the sun - and the lineup won't disappoint, as usual!
Line up:
to be determined
Pre-sale :
will start soon
End of August 2022 sind wir zusammen mit euch für ein paar Tage in ein anderes Universum abgetaucht und haben die Tage und Nächte durch getanzt. Das wollen wir natürlich auch 2023 fortführen.
Wir werden auch dann wieder all das auf die Spitze treiben, was ein Goa Festival so besonders macht. In erster Linie ist es selbstverständlich der treibende TranceSound, der einfach perfekt unter den freien Himmel passt.
Rasant im Licht- und Lasergewitter der Nacht oder schwerelos im Sonnenschein – und das Line-Up wird, wie sonst auch, nicht enttäuschen!
At the end of August 2022, we dive into another universe together with you for a few days and danced the days and nights away. Of course we want to continue this in 2023.
We will also then again push all that to the extreme, which makes a Goa Festival so special. First and foremost, of course, it's the driving trance sound that just fits perfectly under the open sky.
Racy in the light and laser storm of the night or weightless in the sunshine - and the line-up will, as usual, not disappoint!
will start soon